In the series 'Caught up in Another,' a metamorphosis unfolds: a human unfurls wings and becomes a bird, the bird transforms into an enduring mountain, and the mountain cradles humanity—a dance of interconnectedness.
These pieces were initially created for the “NATURE is the SOURCE” exhibition curated by Ala Onur and Zeynep Ercan at Kolektif House Maslak. Captured in collaboration with Evrim Karacan at Meltem Şahin’s studio in Marmaris, Türkiye.

In the series 'Caught up in Another,' a metamorphosis unfolds: a human unfurls wings and becomes a bird, the bird transforms into an enduring mountain, and the mountain cradles humanity—a dance of interconnectedness.
These pieces were initially created for the “NATURE is the SOURCE” exhibition curated by Ala Onur and Zeynep Ercan at Kolektif House Maslak. Captured in collaboration with Evrim Karacan at Meltem Şahin’s studio in Marmaris, Türkiye.