8. Eternal Recurrence    “You will find every pain and every pleasure, every enemy, every hope and every error, every blade of grass, every ray of sunshine once more, and the whole fabric of things which make up your life.”  Gilles Deleuz
 The body of the zoetrope is made of frosted plexiglass and the feet that carry the second disk as well as LED case are 3D printed . Zoetrope fabricated and coded in a way that the movement of the upper disk is seen in a different speed of the motor

8. Eternal Recurrence

“You will find every pain and every pleasure, every enemy, every hope and every error, every blade of grass, every ray of sunshine once more, and the whole fabric of things which make up your life.” Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guitar, What is Philosophy?

For this project, I created this 3D Stroboscopic Zoetrope inspired by Nietzsche's concept ‘Greatest Burden of Eternal Recurrence’. Inside of the zoetrope, there is a man who is moving up and down like a wave. The figures in the zoetrope is made of laser-cut plexiglass hand painted with neon—pink color when he rises with the woman emerging from him , and blue color when he descends with the disappearance of her. On the upper disk there is a woman and man that became one and moves in circles. 

The body of the zoetrope is made of frosted plexiglass and the feet that carry the second disk as well as LED case are 3D printed . Zoetrope fabricated and coded in a way that the movement of the upper disk is seen in a different speed of the motor than the lower disk. So after, Arduino change the mechanism’s speed from one to another, it stops the zoetrope for five seconds so that viewer can understand, how the actual toy is working. Like the other toys that I created for Negative Pleasure, this toy has an open electronically system that viewer can see the circuit itself. 

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