1,2,3. Becoming
“This is Cezanne's enigma, which has often been commented upon: Man is absent from but entirely within the landscape." Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, What is Philosophy?
Deleuze talks about American writer Herman Melville becoming Moby Dick, Van Gogh becoming sunflowers and Cezanne becoming landscape in the absence of man. He says during the process of creating art, artists become the piece itself. It is like a state rather than an end. This endless quality is shown through the loops of retroscope, there is neither an end or a beginning. After I created 3 gifs for the toys, I printed them and put on the three different retroscopes. Retroscopes are mainly made of clear plexi-glasses to become almost invisible and to highlight the flip images. The viewer should crank the toy towards himself in order to see the animation.

1,2,3. Becoming
“This is Cezanne's enigma, which has often been commented upon: Man is absent from but entirely within the landscape." Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, What is Philosophy?
Deleuze talks about American writer Herman Melville becoming Moby Dick, Van Gogh becoming sunflowers and Cezanne becoming landscape in the absence of man. He says during the process of creating art, artists become the piece itself. It is like a state rather than an end. This endless quality is shown through the loops of retroscope, there is neither an end or a beginning. After I created 3 gifs for the toys, I printed them and put on the three different retroscopes. Retroscopes are mainly made of clear plexi-glasses to become almost invisible and to highlight the flip images. The viewer should crank the toy towards himself in order to see the animation.