Melville becoming Moby-Dick
Melville becoming Moby-Dick

This is Cezanne's enigma, which has often been commented upon: Man is absent from but entirely within the landscape. Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari

Deleuze and Guattari write about American writer Herman Melville becoming Moby Dick, Vincent van Gogh becoming sunflowers, and Paul Cézanne becoming landscape in the absence of man. He says during the process of creating art, artists become the piece itself.

Van Gogh becoming sunflowers
Van Gogh becoming sunflowers

Cézanne becoming Mont Sainte Victoire
Cézanne becoming Mont Sainte Victoire

Melville becoming Moby-Dick
Van Gogh becoming sunflowers
Cézanne becoming Mont Sainte Victoire
Melville becoming Moby-Dick

This is Cezanne's enigma, which has often been commented upon: Man is absent from but entirely within the landscape. Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari

Deleuze and Guattari write about American writer Herman Melville becoming Moby Dick, Vincent van Gogh becoming sunflowers, and Paul Cézanne becoming landscape in the absence of man. He says during the process of creating art, artists become the piece itself.

Van Gogh becoming sunflowers

Cézanne becoming Mont Sainte Victoire

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