“Muvassu” is a papier-mâché sculpture, exhibited at ANCIENT FUTURES: All Belongs to Time Exhibition. The exhibition showcased 27 works of art, situated within the Istanbul Archeology Museum - to explore fictional and speculative existences belonging to pending tomorrows. The show created in partnership with XTOPIA, Meta, T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi and was curated by Lalin Akalan.

"Muvassu" is a two-headed and two-spirited god/dess who observes what has happened, is happening and will happen in the universe and establishes the universal balance with these testimonies.

This ancient guide, whose traces were found in Mesopotamia for the first time in history, makes a journey between times and universes and ensures that the future proceeds on the path it has predicted. It is not known whether the beginning of this god/dess, who appears in the reliefs and sculptures dedicated to him/her in 5000 BC and 4000 AD, is the future or the past. One head is 6-eyed, calm, dignified and feminine, while the other is 2-eyed, horned, agile and masculine. S/He meets the mortals who come before him/her with the face s/he sees that they will need and guides them to find their inner balance.
What face did s/he welcome you?

“Muvassu” is a papier-mâché sculpture, exhibited at ANCIENT FUTURES: All Belongs to Time Exhibition. The exhibition showcased 27 works of art, situated within the Istanbul Archeology Museum - to explore fictional and speculative existences belonging to pending tomorrows. The show created in partnership with XTOPIA, Meta, T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi and was curated by Lalin Akalan.
"Muvassu" is a two-headed and two-spirited god/dess who observes what has happened, is happening and will happen in the universe and establishes the universal balance with these testimonies.
This ancient guide, whose traces were found in Mesopotamia for the first time in history, makes a journey between times and universes and ensures that the future proceeds on the path it has predicted. It is not known whether the beginning of this god/dess, who appears in the reliefs and sculptures dedicated to him/her in 5000 BC and 4000 AD, is the future or the past. One head is 6-eyed, calm, dignified and feminine, while the other is 2-eyed, horned, agile and masculine. S/He meets the mortals who come before him/her with the face s/he sees that they will need and guides them to find their inner balance.
What face did s/he welcome you?